
Project Setup


Setting up a project with JRui is straightforward. Follow these steps to get started with your chosen template:

Cloning the Repository

Begin your project by cloning the JRui template repository using the provided command:

git clone <repository-url>

Replace `<repository-url>` with the URL of the JRui template repository you want to use.

Installing Dependencies

Navigate into the cloned project directory and install the required dependencies using npm:

cd <project-directory>
npm install

Replace `<project-directory>` with the name of your project directory.

Running the Template

Launch the project template with the following command:

npm run dev

This will start a development server, and you can view your project by navigating to the specified URL in your browser.

Customizing and Importing Components

Follow any additional project setup instructions provided with the template to properly integrate technologies. Once set up, start customizing your project to fit your preferences and import components as needed with the JRui CLI.